Our Father wants His Children to have a place of refuge and of peace. The need for a central point is key when they, who are out working the work must have a point of reference for the World and to satisfy the unbelievers. Seeking to serve the Servant of GOD at all times, the LORD have so established. All of this Fellowship's resources are committed to fulfilling this portion of the FELLOWSHIP MISSION. Jerusalem was for the first Church (Apostles and other Servants) a BASE of OPERATION; for in the days OLD the Saints remained steadfast to the Operation where they began in TRUTH. From the BASE of OPERATION, they would venture forth and do the Work of the LORD. This Work they had prepared themselves to do and received tasking sometimes to perform them. Once this Work was completed or if on going, they would return for further instructions or refreshing. Careful they were NOT to pollute themselves with the foolishness of Man, but avoided it at all cost and only departing from the BASE of OPERATION, as they were directed to do so. Your BASE of OPERATION, is where Growth is monitored, Work is encouraged, Elevation is programmed and Love is foremost! It is with much care that the LORD has directed the assembly of this BASE of OPERATION. It is His Will that some of the product of it remain with it and NOT that all should depart. They did NOT consider it to be a "Overseas Thing" or a passing event, but a commitment to serve. A permanent BASE of OPERATION is what this Work is. For those who desire to remain a part, it is by commitment to Truth and Standards in CHRIST. If any who are now with us, do NOT understand this and desire to leave, let them do so. It is their choice and I do NOT want NON-committed individuals in the Fellowship. You will do nothing, but hurt yourself and others who would desire the truth. This is a Life Time commitment for me to provide a Home BASE of OPERATION for those whom the LORD has sent to me. DON'T WASTE TIME WITH THOSE WHO ARE LAZY, LACK COMMITMENT, OUTRIGHT STUPID, STUBBORN and SELF-WILLED. This BASE of OPERATION, is for the chosen only! Terms
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