We have been charged to be a "Light" and "Salt" that others may benefit from us being before them. There is NO excuse for us not being ready to receive them that the LORD send for training, development, growth and education in GOD. Who can resist the Will of GOD, it is our mission as the CHURCH to be a "total" example in all things before the Children of GOD. The Focus of the CHURCH is in these THREE (3) areas:

a. Administration
b. Personnel
c. Operations

It is important for you to understand the Fellowship's overall makeup as outlined by the CHURCH Apostle. The basic Structure of the Fellowship is comprised of individuals whose status in life are so diversified, that it makes for a unique opportunity in serving GOD. This "Work" can be best defined in much the same way as the individuals which understand our operational procedures and functions.

We can be defined in simple terms as the House of GOD, a "Portion of the Body of CHRIST", the House of Prayer or Worship, the Church, or Kingdom of Heaven. Also, we can be defined in complex terms, as an organization whose focus is on the Individual's Natural and Spiritual life, developed through "Phase Training". Establishing levels of Operations, which afford anyone an opportunity to achieve development Naturally and Spiritually. Providing a means to balance both, by accomplishing, these developmental objectives through:

1. Conducting "Phase Training" through Individual Home Studies (with on site visitation and training provided on a cyclic basis).

2. "CELL Church" level (Church Structure operated in the home), for small Group development.

3. Temporary or Permanent Fellowship Church level (Larger gatherings of Saints who have outgrown the CELL Church level), often using other facilities obtained by the Fellowship Headquarters, to include using military religious facilities.

4. A General Fellowship Church body, which is nondenominational, multicultural, that is "Transitory" (constantly in motion due to a large active Military membership).

5. Selected Fellowship Centers, including a Headquarters, established permanently throughout the world, that we may effectively serve the Children of GOD.

6. A Worldwide "Watch-Care Network" supervised by WATCH-Men, who are dedicated to the continued development of the Children of GOD.

We have reviewed the commandments issued to the Children of GOD and by HIS leading created THREE (3) Development Programs for the Body of CHRIST. They are designed to meet the needs of an individual seeking to grow in GOD:

1. CHILDREN'S Development Program
2. NEW CONVERT/SAINT'S Development Program
3. MINISTER'S Development Program


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