Organizational Structure





an authoritative communication by which the person addressed is directed to do something, command, a system of arrangements, classifications, or coordination of person or things, as by sequence or rank, a state of being arranged or classified under such a system, for a state of efficiency, neatness, or the like, (to ones affairs in order), a body or society of persons living by common consent under the same religious, moral, or social regulations.

As the STRUCTURES are bones to the human body, ORDER is the flesh or organs which carry out specific functions. Each ORDER or organ provides a essential service to the whole. All working in harmony and unity to accomplish a specific task. None able to operate very long without the other. In our body naturally, some other ORDER systems can cover for one another within a limited range, never completely able to do all the functions of the missing organ. ORDER, in the House of GOD reflects upon us in much the same way. Where there is NO ORDER, there is confusion and a lack of unity. Our Heavenly Father insured that this would NOT be the case with us and provided NOT only the STRUCTURE, but also the ORDER of things.

1. The LAW of the LORD is Perfect, converting the Soul.
2. The TESTIMONY of the LORD sure, making wise the simple.
3. The STATUES of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart.
4. The COMMANDMENT of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
5. The FEAR OF the LORD is clean, enduring forever.
6. The JUDGMENTS of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
7. The WAY of the LORD is perfect.

8. The WORD of the LORD is tried.




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