Organizational Structure




9. The LORD is my LIGHT and my SALVATION
10. The LORD is the STRENGTH of my Life
11. The SECRET of the LORD is with that fear Him.
12. The LORD is my ROCK, and my FORTRESS, and my DELIVERER; my GOD, my STRENGTH,
 in whom I will TRUST; my BUCKLER, and the Home of my Salvation, and my HIGH TOWER.
13. The LORD is KING forever and ever
14. The LORD is my SHEPHERD- I shall not want.
15. The COUNSEL of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations.
16. The LORD, REDEEMETH the Soul of the Servants: and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate.

How sweet is the unity of the Children of GOD when they deal in the peace and Love that the Heavenly Father has established if we abide in the beauty of HIS "Will". This is the ORDER that our Father desires to see resting among HIS Children. It is to this ORDER that we invite others to come in and sit among us. Our Father that we do NOT strive for anything that would destroy the harmony and peace to which HE has brought us out of darkness into. This ORDER is seen thru-out the Word of GOD, in the Scriptures that teach us to embrace this divine ORDER, that all may be well with us in GOD. So much have we to gain and so much have we lost, because we failed to seek HIS ORDER in all things.




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