Since the formation of TOWER OF DELIVERANCE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH in 1976, the LORD has blessed greatly in the growth of the Fellowship family and its’ operation. GOD chose by His almighty Grace, Apostle Gene W. BOYD, blessing him to be in the forefront of the Fellowship’s development and growth. The "Commission" given to him was to ensure that those whom the LORD sent to him were instructed in the "Truth". He would focus on the special requirements of those serving in the US Military and build an operation designed to meet their needs, as well as others. Providing for them studies, seminars, conferences, training, education, support, and fellowship on a world-wide scale. Meeting the particular needs of the Saints of GOD, focusing on the Individual and NOT the organization. Creating Centers to meet these special needs and offering a continued course of Fellowship and stability.

The task was to teach the Saints NOT to just hear the Word of GOD, but to Live it day by day. Having one and only one objective, that they be able to stand with or without the Body, if necessary. Children of GOD who have a true relationship with GOD, knowing Him for themselves. Setting a standing whereby we can be an effective witness, used by the LORD. Ensuring a positive continued growth in GOD for those serving or associated with the Military community. Developing that professional "Faith Walker" and Christian Soldier in JESUS CHRIST.


TOWER OF DELIVERANCE FELLOWSHIP is built upon the concept that each individual should be as a "Tower Of Deliverance", to whoever the LORD send our way. It is a reproach on ourselves and the "Work of GOD", when we are NOT properly prepared to do all that's required of us. Then we fail only ourselves. GOD, protects others from our failure and lack of discipline. We must be ready to accept the challenge at all times and anywhere. Ye are the light, that "Tower of Deliverance", for those who are in need of one, freeing them as CHRIST freed us from captivity. Ensure that Ye are ready when your time to serve comes, remembering it is NOT what you know, but who you know by the grace of GOD thru CHRIST JESUS.


T.O.D.F. is a "TEACHING CHURCH", whose focus is on the application of the "Word of GOD" once you have heard it. It is thru teaching that we learn the things, to which we are both accountable and responsible for knowing and performing as a Child of GOD. This of course does NOT fit the normal agenda of what many Churches have decided to become; a Social Church, whose focus is on "good-will" and NOT the "Word of GOD". As a "TEACHING CHURCH", we are focused on the growth, development, training, education, and life-style of the individual. It is the individual "Soul", which is essential to the enduring of the Church. These principles best define the Church:


Our "MINISTRY", is the Reconciliation of SOULS back to GOD!
Our "MISSION", is to work the "Ministry" given by GOD.
Our "PURPOSE", is to fear GOD and keep HIS Commandments
Our "GOAL", is to Please, Serve & Glorify GOD, in word and deed.
Our "COMMITMENT & DEDICATION", is Life Everlasting.
Our "MESSAGE", the Word of GOD!




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